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Tuesday, December 5, 2023
11:00 - 12:00

The nexus for water, food and energy (NWFE): Bridging the financing gap in climate adaptation programmes

About the event

This side event will showcase how national programmes like the Nexus of Water Food & Energy (NWFE) can bridge the financial and collaboration gap to achieve the common national and global climate commitments. It will explore the modalities of blending climate finance, leveraging private sector finance towards rural transformational livelihoods and climate adaptation programmes.This event will showcase the Nexus of Water, Food and Energy (NWFE) Program launched by the Government of Egypt during COP27. NWFE is country-driven, multi-dimensional, and multi-stakeholder. It is a replicable model that can be adopted by governments of developing and emerging economies aspiring to stimulate the implementation of climate ambitions. It comprises 9 projects with a total cost of USD 14.7 billion, from which 5 projects are in the food pillar with a combined total of USD 3.35 billion for phase 1 (2023-2030).

Building on IFAD’s successful interventions in Egypt and its strength as an assembler of finance, GoE has requested IFAD to lead the food pillar of NWFE. IFAD coordinated with GoE and MDBs to package and firm up their pledges and roles. The food pillar is now consisting of:

  • Climate- Resilient On-Farm Water Management in the Nile Valley (CROWN), Led by IFAD, with other developing partners and private sector actors,
  • Climate- Resilient Agri-Food Transformation Project (CRAFT), Led by the World Bank,
  • Resilience for the Most Vulnerable and Marginal Regions, Led by the Islamic Development Bank.

Among other topics, the event will:

  • illustrate how national programmes like NWFE can bridge the financial and collaboration gap in support of national and global climate commitments.
  • Highlight efforts being undertaken to develop innovative models for de-risking large scale climate smart investments for private sector participation.
  • Deliberate around incentive based de-risking schemes to promote rural and agricultural finance with a focus on modalities for the financial inclusion of women and youth.

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