12:30 - 13:30
About the event
This regional launch event of CGIAR’s MENA Regional Climate Security Hub explores the interactions between climate change, peace, and human mobility. This nexus is particularly relevant in a context of rapid urbanization, where cities are at the forefront of the climate emergency while dealing with inflows of internal migrants and increasing human security concerns. The compounding and cascading effects of climate-related mobility may increase the vulnerability of populations and pose challenges for governments and humanitarian organizations. Whilst integration is slowly becoming evident, important climate adaptation instruments such as NAPs and NDCs do not always accurately account for this nexus, whilst outlining sometimes wildly different response typologies. Placing a regional focus on the MENA Region, Central America, and the Horn of Africa, this session will identify opportunities to enhance peace positive climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in the context of displacement and migration, exploring innovative approaches to the climate, migration, and peace nexus such as CGIAR’s Fragility, Conflict, and Migration Initiative and skilled migration partnerships led by IOM.
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