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Sunday, December 3, 2023
09:30 - 10:30

Catalyzing sustainable food futures: IFAD’s partnership with civil society actors

About the event

This event will delve into the importance of multistakeholder processes that enable diverse community-led actions for a sustainable food future. Here, rural civil society actors come together to share their insights, discuss innovative approaches, success stories, lessons learned and explore opportunities for community empowerment in food system transformation. Indigenous Peoples are custodians of traditional knowledge, protect biodiversity, and hold the key to developing solutions for a sustainable future and resilient food systems for all. Farmer’s Organizations are catalysts for positive change, drive the adoption of sustainable practices to accompany a transition towards more resilient and healthy food production. Empowered rural young people have the dynamism and energy to lead innovation in food systems transformation creating opportunities for themselves and their communities. This panel discussion will explore ways of stimulating grassroot-led action, including ensuring access to climate finance for rural communities to scale up existing practices. During the discussion we will also learn how IFAD, and in particular IFAD13, are key channels to enable and finance community-led action and ensure participation in rural development. This event is brought to you by the Steering Committee of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD, the Global Steering Committee of the Farmers’ Forum, and Members of the Youth Grassroot Alliances, together with IFAD.

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