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Saturday, December 9, 2023
14:00 - 15:00

Barriers and levers for scaling nature-based solutions to build smallholder’s climate resilience

About the event

Natural resource degradation and climatic changes are threatening the viability of smallholder farmers, fishers, forest producers, and rural communities. These rural community groups often bear the brunt of land degradation, climate-related disruptions, resource constraints, and socio-economic vulnerabilities. The expanding menu of Nature-based solutions (NBS) represents opportunities to reduce pressure on ecosystems, help build climate resilience, enhance food and nutrition security, and generate financial returns for investors and communities – especially the most marginalized groups including women and youth. This side event will showcase the necessary actions critical to developing and scaling up community driven NbS to achieve food and nutrition security, climate resilience, and sustainability. It will: (i) foster dialogue on the policy and regulatory framework required to create an enabling environment for scaling up NbS to support sustainable food systems ; (ii) facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among diverse key stakeholders, including private sectors government representatives, indigenous people, farmers and practitioners to improve understanding and implementation of NbS for climate, nutrition and resilience ; (iii) showcase and discuss IFAD and key partners’ successful initiatives where NbS have enhanced local food systems to improve nutrition, build resilience and generate jobs and incomes for women, youth and Indigenous Peoples ; (iv) identify existing new finance models and policy strategies which can be rolled out to capitalize and de-risk private investment for NBS ; (v) emphasize the role of NbS in achieving global goals including the SDGs, Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) targets, and make links to COPs reporting (Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans) as well as – Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure, both “binding” the private and public sectors.

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